Unit 1 (Page 10- 11) - ANSWERS

Letter 1

1.       You might want to do other things but you prefer to be close to me.


2.       You might want to have steak in a fancy restaurant


3.       There’re times when you might not agree with me, but you listen and try to understand.


Letter 2

4.       Who knows what your answer might be?


5.       I’m afraid you might reject me.


Letter 3

6.       If I were clever I might describe how you, a famous writer, unite in yourself the beauties of form and song!


7.       I might tell you that you are the greatest marvel of all ages.


Letter 4

8.       If we tried hard enough we might stop time for ever and never return to reality.


9.       Or we might climb volcanoes and cross cold mountain rivers.


10.   Might I ask you to come back really soon?


Remember what we viewed in class. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or during recess tomorrow morning. Please ask before the test, ok?

Good luck to all of you and study!!!

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