Criteria of Evaluation

This criteria of evaluation will be used for oral presentations.

6.0 – 7.0
5.0 – 5.9
4.1 – 4.9
1.0 – 4.0
Presentation is clear, logical and organized from introduction, body, and conclusion. Listener can follow line of reasoning.
Presentation is generally clear and well organized. A few minor points may be confusing.
Listener can follow presentation with effort. Some arguments are not clear. Organization seems confusing.
Logic of arguments is not made clear. Listeners are confused.
Use of Visual Aids
Communication aids enhance the presentation. They are well prepared. Fonts on visuals are large enough to be seen by all. Information is organized to maximize audience understanding. Main points are presented and explained.
Communication aids contribute to the quality of the presentation. Font size is appropriate for reading. Appropriate information is included. Some material is not supported by visual aids.
Communication aids are poorly prepared or used inappropriately. Fonts are too small to be easily seen. Too much information is included. Unimportant material is highlighted. Listeners may be confused.
No communication aids are used, or they are so poorly prepared that they detract from the presentation.
Content Depth
Speaker provides an accurate and complete explanation that includes various examples and concepts drawing upon relevant topic.
For the most part, explanations of concepts and examples are accurate and complete.
Explanations of concepts and examples are inaccurate or incomplete. Little attempt is made to tie examples to the topic. Listeners gain little from the presentation.
No reference or examples are made to the topic exposed.
Use of Grammar and Fluency
Sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. Words are chosen for their precise meaning.
For the most part, sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. With a few exceptions, words are chosen for their precise meaning.
Listeners can follow the presentation, but some grammatical errors and use of slang are evident. Some sentences are incomplete/halting, and/or vocabulary is somewhat limited or inappropriate.
Listeners are so distracted by the presenter’s apparent difficulty with the grammar and appropriate vocabulary that they cannot focus on the ideas presented.
Formality and Appearance
Clothes correspond to school uniform and speaker has a clean and appropriate appearance.
Clothes correspond to the school’s physical education uniform and has a clean and appropriate appearance
Clothes correspond to a mixture of the school uniform and physical education clothes or the mixture of casual clothes, which gives the speaker an inappropriate look.
Clothes are unacceptable and speaker is not dressed appropriately at all.

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