SIMCE Inglés - 3º Medio

We didn't have time to view this in class because of another activity planned for last thursday, so I've uploaded some practice material for you. The main purpose of SIMCE is to help improve the quality of education throughout your (the students) performance in the different disciplines that you learn. To accomplish this purpose, SIMCE encourages the use of information from national and international tests. That's why I've uploaded information for you, so you can practice a bit before doing the test.

The test that you are going to take this week is divided in 2 parts: Listening and Reading Comprehension.

The following links make part of the Listening comprehension section of the test, where you can practice and do a complete test:

If you want to practice the Reading section check out the following link:

Hope this info. was useful.

Take care, and good luck on your test!

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